Survey of young adult mental health
The Mental Health and Suicide Survey is an online survey to evaluate mental health and suicide awareness in the United States. On behalf of the American Association for Anxiety and Depression, the American Foundation for Suicide and the National Action Coalition for the Prevention of Suicide were governed by Harris Poll.
Two thousand adults responded. 10% (n = 198) of respondents were between 18-25 years of age. The findings of this subgroup of ‘Emerging Adults’ are summarized below.
Aged U.S. adults (18% vs. 11%) may be engaged in the same mental health profession as older adults, but a primary care physician (53% vs. 18%) can be seen within 12 months.
The majority (87%) of these emerging adults have mental health and physical health equivalent to their own health.
One in 10 (10%) mental health is more important than physical health.
Older adults are more likely to see a mental health professional as a sign of strength compared to older adults (60% vs. 35%).
However, about half (46%) of adults consider mental health care unaffordable for most people. 33% It seems because it is difficult or difficult to find for the majority.
The majority of adults say they have a mental illness (65% to 45% of older adults). 43% of respondents. Older adults). Thirteen percent of young adults report that they may have GAD.
About half (45%) of adults are officially diagnosed with a mental health condition by a physician / healthcare professional. Common diagnoses include depression (33%) and anxiety (27%). Five percent of this young generation is said to have been diagnosed with Gaddafi.
About half (51%) of older adults are treated for a mental illness. The most common treatments are psychotherapy (29%) or medication (28%). Adolescents (6%) have tried alternative therapies such as adolescence or meditation.
Anxiety symptoms have a clear, negative effect on young adults. About a quarter (23%) of older adults who have been employed in the past year have lost their jobs due to anxiety. [Significantly, about one-third (31%) of this subgroup reported disappearances due to depressive symptoms.
The survey on suicide revealed that the majority of aging respondents knew that life-threatening stressors (e.g., having difficulty or difficulties in close relationships) and mental health problems could increase their risk of suicide. But more and more adults have identified mood swings as a risk factor for suicide rather than mental illness. (86% and 52%, respectively).
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