How to deal with anxiety?

How to deal with anxiety?

It’s a pleasure to have an inconvenience. Because it helps keep us safe and uncomfortable (our brains are biologically wired to protect us). Unfortunately, millions of people suffer from anxiety and then they become anxious, predicting risk factors and conflict prevention, among other symptoms, chronic muscle tension, the condition, the worst relapse.

It keeps their “stillness” at a very high level and they often suffer from fear, panic and self-doubt.

When the brain was studied on subjects to be considered, it was found that certain areas of the brain were hyperactive compared to the brains of those without anxiety. Each area is known as the center of the brain, the basal river, connected with thoughts, feelings and movements, and motivation and fun.

The good news is that there is a simple four-step plan that can help you control your anxiety symptoms. I was the only one who taught hundreds of my own patients.

Step 1

Hold your breath. During anxiety, many people do not pay attention to their breathing. In fact their breathing becomes shallow, fast and unstable. This depletes the brain of oxygen and triggers fear and panic (again, our biological lines).

When you take a slow deep breath, it increases the blood flow to your brain, which can help you regain control.

One way to take a deep breath is to learn how to breathe through your diaphragm. The part of the body that becomes uncomfortable when we are anxious. This is also known as bad breath. Here’s how to find out.

A) Lie on your back and place a small book on your stomach

B) Increase the book as you inhale

C) When you are upset, take the book down

It will take some time to hang on, but stick to it – your brain and body will thank you!

So, the first step, take a slow and deep breath with your stomach: inhale for five seconds. Hold it for two seconds; Take once every five seconds. Leave for two seconds. Do this 10 times. I call this method 5 x 2 = 10.

Step 2

Of course, if it is life threatening, remove anything that bothers you and run away. You have to face the fear or anxiety directly, or you can always control it.

You may want to talk to a trained psychiatrist about your anxiety and fear, especially if you have been exposed to some form of trauma. There are excellent treatments that can help people cope with stressful or life-threatening experiences and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The method I usually recommend is EMDR for eye restoration and remodeling. It helps to remove the emotional charge of traumatic memories.

Step 3

Focus on the thoughts in your mind and understand them. Too often our thoughts are distorted in dangerous situations and they need to be challenged. So, read my new book on more detailed information on avoiding self-negative thoughts, change your brain, change your life, change your life, revise and expand 2015.

Step 4

If you follow steps 1-3 but you still have severe anxiety, you may need additional or ation medications to stay calm. People with severe anxiety often need ation medications, and some of them contain magnesium, GABA, aswagana and B vitamins, especially supplements containing B6.

Of course, you will need to consult with your doctor or consult a doctor before you need treatment.

In summary, when trauma or anxiety begins, remember these four simple steps:

1. Slow down your breathing. Take a deep breath through your abdomen. Remember 5 x 2 = 10.

2. Do not allay your fears. Face them.

3. Focus on your thoughts and challenge them.

If steps 1-3 do not work, consider taking additional or taking medications.

By following this phobia plan you will finally be able to control your anxiety!

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