What is emotion?
According to the book Discovering Psychology, “Emotional cognition is a complex psychological state that involves three distinct mental states: a subjective experience, a physiological response, and a behavioral or expression response.”
In addition to understanding what is sensitive, researchers have tried to identify and categorize different types of emotions. In 1972, psychologist Paul Ekman suggested that there are six universal hatreds in human cultures: fear, disgust, anger, surprise, happiness, and sadness. In 1999, he expanded this list to include other basic emotions including embarrassment, excitement, humiliation, shame, pride, contentment, and fun.
Another emotional classification system was introduced in the 1980s by Robert Plutchik. The format shows how different colors can be combined or mixed to create a different feel. There are eight primary emotional dimensions, as Plurich suggests: happiness, sadness, anger vs. fear, trust vs. hatred, and surprise.
These feelings can be combined in many ways. For example, joy and expectation can be increased.
To understand how much emotion is, let’s focus on their three main points.
The experience of satisfaction
Researchers believe that regardless of background or culture, emotions are highly subjective and are some of the most universal emotions people experience around the world.
While there are broad labels to certain emotions, such as “anger,” “sadness,” or “happiness,” your own unique experience of these emotions can often be multi-dimensional. Notice the anger. Is all anger equal? Your own experience may be milder from the supernatural.
Plus, not all emotions are purely shapeshifting. Mixed feelings about different events or different situations in life are common. When you are faced with starting a new job, you feel overwhelmed and nervous. Being married or having a child is marked by a variety of emotions, from joy to anxiety. These feelings can occur simultaneously, or they can be felt together.
Physiological response
If you feel nervous or nervous in your stomach, emotions can produce strong physical reactions. . The nervous system, a branch of the autonomic nervous system.
The voluntary nervous system regulates voluntary body responses, blood flow, and digestion. The sensory nervous system is accused of controlling body fight or flight reactions. When confronted with a threat, these responses automatically prepare your body for danger or escape.
Early studies of the physiology of emotion focused on these independent responses. More recent research has targeted the role of emotional emotions. The brain has been shown to play an important role in a particular aspect of life, particularly emotion and fear.
The amygdala is a smooth almond-shaped structure. Hunger and thirst are associated with motivational conditions, such as memory and emotion. Researchers have activated the amygdala using brain images to show when people are threatening images. Damage to the amygdala has also hindered the fear response.
Management Behavioral response
The last aspect is the feeling that you are most familiar with. We spend considerable time interpreting the emotional expressions of the people around us. Our ability to understand these statements correctly is what psychologists call emotional intelligence, and these statements are a key part of our overall body language. Researchers believe that many expressions, such as pleasure or pleasure or calm or unpleasant feelings or laughter, are universal. Cultural laws also play an important role in how emotions are expressed and interpreted. In Japan, for example, people exhibit fear or disgust when authority figures are present.
Emotions. Moods
In everyday languages, many people use the term “emotion” and “mood” interchangeably. But there is a difference between the two psychologists. How are they different? Emotions are usually short-lived but intense. There may be a specific and identifiable cause of the emotion. For example, disagreeing with a friend about politics can make you angry for a short time. Mood, on the other hand, is much softer than emotion, but lasts longer. In many cases, the specific cause of the mood can be difficult to identify. For example, you may feel dizzy for several days without a clearly identifiable cause.