A mother gives birth to 10 children at a time.

A mother gives birth to 10 children at a time.

A South African woman has given birth to 10 babies in one delivery, foreign media reports.

Gosium Tamara Sithol, 37, gave birth to ten healthy children, seven boys and three girls.

A South African mother gave birth to ten babies at once, breaking a world record last month.

According to media reports, Goswami Tamara Sithol, 37, a six-year-old mother, originally planned to have eight children and became a rare “owl” like Nadia Suleiman of California. But she was surprised when 10 babies were born.

Sithol’s husband said the scan showed only eight of the uterus and that they were decomposed.

Citol, a South African news website, was quoted as saying that two babies were in the wrong tube and could not be identified at first.

Sithol of Gothenk said her pregnancy was unplanned and she had not used birth control methods.ss

In May, Malian Halima Saiz of Morocco gave birth to nine children at once. According to the New York Post, a Guinness World Record holder is investigating the situation.

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