Work from home online jobs

Work from home online jobs

The world is changing drastically because of modern technology. If you are a regular user of the internet or a regular user like Facebook, you are already. You probably understand that too. So the job market is changing as well. There is now a chance that you can make a steady income by doing many things from home. But it also requires patience and dedication, just like a normal job. (Just looking up doesn’t make money dude! ๐Ÿ˜‰)

Okay so let’s see what can be done from home internet jobs or ‘work from home online jobs’.

We get a job as a freelancer and earn money

If you can provide writing, design work, web work, programming, video making, consulting services or services that you can provide from home, you can continue to work as a freelancer through Fiverr, Freelancer, Upwork or a similar website. If your work is good, if you finish work on time and you have not copied from here, you can definitely get work done regularly from these websites.

Let’s write a blog (like me๐Ÿ˜‰)

You can write a blog using the knowledge you know and then add google adsense or similar ad network to the blog and make money.

Let’s trade forex

You can earn money by exchanging foreign exchange. You can use a world renowned broker like ICMarkets, Pepperstone, Tickmill for Forex Trading.

There is one more thing to say. Forex trading is a high risk and high income earning method so it is more suitable for those who can take the high risk here. (For example, let’s say you go to a trade in a $ 100 account. If you fail, you can lose $ 100, but if you succeed, you can still find $ 150 ~ $ 1000 in that trade)

Option Trading

Like Forex, it is less risky than Forex. (For example, let’s say you go into a $ 10 trade with $ 100 in your account. If you fail, you can lose a maximum of $ 10, but if you succeed, you get $ 18 – $ 20. The account balance is not affected as in Forex). You can trade using a world-renowned broker like, or Olymp Trade.

Crypto Trading

This is something like Forex. You can trade USD / BTC through a broker like ICMarket. This is also something that is so high risk.

Let’s make money with photos or videos

The DSLR camera is retrievable (4 megapixels, about 4 megapixels), which means make money online. You can upload photos or videos to the Shutterstock website and earn money when someone buys them.

Become a consulting service provider

If you are good at two things, you can become a teacher of that excellence. Website consulting services can be provided through websites like Udemy.

Let’s write e-books and make money

You can earn money by writing books and you can earn money by publishing e-books or e-books. You can sell your book on websites like Amazon or eBay. You can sell the book on your own website (similar to creating a blog. Also read that article).


You can sell your product as an intermediary on a website like Aliexpress. All you need is your own website, a way to make money and the Alexis Drop Shipping plugin. All you have to do is import the required products to your website through this plugin and you can add your price. Once the customer has purchased the item, you must order it from Alexpress and send it to the customer’s address.

(you can learn what is dropshipping see over โ€œWhat is Dropshippingโ€ article)

Let’s look at the ads and make money

Some websites charge you money when you view ads. You can earn money by looking at free ads on websites like Neobux. It usually costs about $ 0.005 $ 0.01 per ad. This is a very easy method, but you need a strong downline to make a significant amount of money through this method. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

If there is anything else you know about this, please share that knowledge in a comment.๐Ÿ˜Š

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